Romanian DIY market – The most important news from May 2022

Romanian DIY market – For all our readers abroad, these are the news from Romanian DIY, Home Improvement and Gardening market in May 2022, provided by, the most important B2B publication in Romania, dedicated to DIY industry.

New partners and exhibitors confirmed the participation at EXPO DIY 2022 – Smart Green Home, which will take place in Bucharest, between June 29 and 30, 2022.

EXPO DIY 2022 – Smart Green Home is an exhibition of products from the DIY, Home Improvement & Gardening categories, with a focus on ecological solutions and products, an event organized by, the B2B publication dedicated to the DIY, Home Improvement & Gardening sectors. Book a stand!

DIY marketJYSK

JYSK continued the investment in Romania and opened two new stores on 5th of May 2022, in Timisoara and Rupea and a new store in Bailesti on 12th of May. With these openings, the retailer reaches a national network of 121 stores in Romania

The retailer presented the most interesting products from the furniture collection of garden Outdoor 2022 at an event made by Embassy of Denmark in Romania.

Leroy Merlin

Leroy Merlin, specialized retailer in constructions, decorations and gardening, opened the 20th store in Romania and the second in Brasov. Seven years ago, in 2015, the retailer opened the first Leroy Merlin store in Brașov – Griviței. Thus, with the opening of the new unit, Brașov becomes the third city in the province, after Cluj-Napoca and Craiova, where Leroy Merlin is present with two stores.


MAMBricolaj, Romanian network of stores with materials and accessorizes for furniture, finished the first trimester of 2022 with a market share of 14,037 millions lei, with an increase of 16.2% than the same period last year.

Brico Dépôt

Brico Dépôt Romania, part of Kingfisher plc, announced the sales mregistered in the first trimester of the year. Brico Dépôt Romania’s sales, in comparable terms, increased in the first 3 months of the fiscal year by 13.9%, compared to the same period last year, respectively by 32.8% compared to the first quarter of 2019.


Electrolux published the sustainability report on 2021 and announced the results obtained for reaching the objectives from sustainability strategy, For the Better 2030.


Verotherm, the biggest Romanian producer of polystyrene and dry mortars, launched the first green project, with the aim to win the energetic independence and to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, contributing to reducing costs and to raise the quality of air for the people.


Legrand Romania launched Classe 300EOS with Netatmo, the first interphone connected with Amazon Alexa vocal assistant.


According to VELUX, one of the main producers of attic windows, that sell products and solutions for smart homes, equipping windows with rolls represent an excellent modality to satisfy the need of something new, and in the same time helps the circadian rhythm by controlling light.

Policolor – Orgachim

Policolor-Orgachim group, with extended activities in production and selling varnishes, paints, resins and specialty chemicals, in Romania, Bulgaria and other markets in Europe and Asia, reported a market share of 79 millions euro in 2021, representing an increase with 24% than last year.


Saint-Gobain Romania and ENGIE Romania announced signing a partnership for constructing the biggest photovoltaic park in Romania, located on the site of the company’s glass factory.


The most frequent sustainable behaviors is avoiding food waste, followed by lower clothes acquisitions and using of energy efficient household appliances.

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