Romanian DIY market – For all our readers abroad, these are the news from Romanian DIY, Home Improvement, and Garden market in April 2024, provided by, the most important B2B publication in Romania, dedicated to the DIY industry.
The third edition of EXPO DIY – Smart Green Home, the largest professional fair in Romania and the region dedicated to products in the DIY, building materials, home improvement, garden, and home products categories, with a focus on solutions and „green” products, will take place between June 26 and 27, 2024, at the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, on a total area of 4,000 square meters and 140 stands.
EXPO DIY 2024 – Smart Green Home will also include EXPO PET 2024 – Food & Accessories – the first B2B exhibition with products from pet food and accessories categories in Romania.
EXPO DIY 2024 – Smart Green Home announced new partners and exhibitors. Last available stands.
Book a stand for EXPO DIY 2024 – Smart Green Home
Invitation for buyers, developers, architects, and designers for EXPO DIY 2024 – Smart Green Home
JYSK continued the expansion in Romania and opened two new stores, in Husi and Bistrita, on the 28th of March, and a store in Sinaia, reaching 141 stores in Romania.
Micul Fermier
Micul Fermier, the brand opened by Golden Fish, extended in retail and opened its first store in Matca, Galati district.
MAMBricolaj, the Romanian store network of materials and accessories for furniture, marched a record of registered transactions by MAM Morarilor, the first store of the network, just in 2023: 160.600 transactions.
Dedeman, a national leader in construction materials and interior improvement retail, launched the campaign „Sustainability is built at home” to highlight the importance of small gestures for the protection of our planet. The retailer opened in April 202 the second store in Arad.
HORNBACH Romania, one of the main local retailers of construction and gardening materials, responds to the dynamic of the labor market through a development strategy of human resources, that includes income adjustments and team growth at the national level.
Leroy Merlin
According to Leroy Merlin Romania, a specialized retailer in constructions, decorations, and gardening, the Romanians’ interest in solutions for capturing and using green energy, like solar panel installation, grew at the beginning of 2024, then the beginning of 2023.
REHAU Building Solutions, one of the market leaders in the thermic installation domain, launched on the local market REHAU Mepa products.
Monsson launched the biggest stocking capacity of electric energy in batteries in Romania.
Isopan Est
Isopan Est, a producer of thermal insulation panels, is the absolute leader of the market in Romania, for the produced quantity and for the market share made at the final of 2023.
Metigla, a company with an experience of two decades in the industry of metallic closures for industrial buildings and residential roofs in Romania, was the supporter of the cyclist event Wine Marathon.
Romania has the capacity and all the resources to quickly make the transition to renewable energy and to become 100% a green country, according to Kilowat.
4ENVIGO, a specialized company in solutions for the transition to renewable energy, signed a strategic partnership with MC General Construct Engineering, a leader in engineering services and installation projection that includes energetic modeling of buildings.
Romania Green Building Council
Over 15.000 homes in Romania have been certified as „Green Homes” or obtained recertification, in the period 2014-2024, and their total value is almost 3 billion euro, announced Romania Green Building Council (RoGBC).
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