Romanian DIY market – The most important news from November 2024

Romanian DIY market – For all our readers abroad, these are the news from Romanian DIY, Home Improvement, and Garden market in November 2024, provided by, the most important B2B publication in Romania, dedicated to the DIY industry.

EXPO DIY 2025 – Smart Green Home, the fourth edition of the biggest exhibition in Romania dedicated to products in the DIY, building materials, home improvement, garden, and home products categories, with a focus on „green” products, that will take place on June, 25-26th, 2025, at the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, announced the first partners and exhibitors.

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diy marketMatHaus

MatHaus, the retail store of the Arabesque group, launched the Black Friday campaign with significant discounts on materials for construction, renovations, and repairs and products for interior and exterior improvement.


Dedeman, the national leader in the retail of construction materials and interior improvement, with 100% Romanian capital, started the Black Friday campaign.


Action retailer, a non-food discounter from the Netherlands, will open the first stores in Romania in the second part of 2025, according to the company’s representatives, who answered quickly at our press request.


JYSK Romania opened a new store in Crevedia, near Bucharest.

Leroy Merlin

Starting with the 7th of November, Leroy Merlin, a specialized retailer in constructions, decorations and gardening, launched a collection of products and decorations dedicated to winter holidays.


For the financial year 2023-2024, which started on the 1st of September 2023 and finished on the 31st of August 2024, JYSK had a market share of 1.15 billion lei and an EBIT of 185 million lei.


More than a quarter (27,51%) of the respondents of a survey made for Ariston Romania plan to acquire a heat pump in the next 2-3 years, and more than half (52%) of them say that they would make the switch to heat pump heating now if they would benefit from national subventions.


Simtel, an engineering and technology group and national leader in the renewable energy domain, expanded its portfolio by launching a new line of business dedicated to energy stocking systems, offering complete solutions of consultancy


VeroTherm, one of the main polystyrene and dry mortar manufacturers in Romania, launched a new business line that will include the production of decorative profiles for homes.


YALCO – the national distributor of DIY products and DIY, home and garden projects, along with DeWALT – the brand owned by Stanley Black & Decker, the biggest company of electric tools in the world, started the Black Month promotional campaign for DeWALT, through a demonstrative event dedicated to the DIY and professional tools passionates.

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