Romanian DIY market – The most important news from October 2022

Romanian DIY market – For all our readers abroad, these are the news from Romanian DIY, Home Improvement and Gardening market in October 2022, provided by, the most important B2B publication in Romania, dedicated to DIY industry.

The next edition of EXPO DIY – Smart Green Home, the only B2B exhibition from Romania dedicated to DIY, Home Improvement & Gardening products, will take place between June 28 and 29, 2023, in Bucharest – Romania.

More informations at Until then, please see the video story of EXPO DIY 2022 – Smart Green Home:

DIY marketJYSK

JYSK, the Scandinavian retailer of furniture and products for home, continued the expansion in Romania and opened in Motru city the 126th store from Romania.


PEPCO Romania, a retailer present on the local market for 7 years, opened the 400th store in Bucharest, 3rd district.


The specialists in interior design from Mobexpert team came with a series of creative solutions and practical tips for arranging the apartments, so the space will be used in the most useful and functional way possible.


Dedeman, national leader in the retail of construction materials and interior arrangements, with 100% Romanian capital, opened on 21st of October in Brasov the 58th store.


BricoDépôt Foundation supports the construction of the Communitary Center from Preutesti, Suceava district, where FARA Foundation will offer integrated services to vulnerable children and families from Preutesti and Baia.


Lasselberger Ceramics Romania, the owner of CESAROM brand and the only local producer of ceramic tiles, opened on 6th of October the newest and most innovative showroom of ceramic tiles, located in Bucharest on Mihai Bravu Road, no. 12, after an investment of 1 million lei.


Agrocosm Consult, one of the most dynamic companies on the seeds market for vegetables and flowers in Romania and a 100% Romanian business, improved its products offer with the new range Agrocosm Bio – liquid fertilizer and granules.


According to the Healthy Homes Barometer 2022 made by VELUX, 32% of Romanians are now exposed to a climate risk in their homes, as: humidity and mold, low temperature, excessive noise of lack of natural light.


Knauf group, from which take part Knauf Insulation Romania and Knauf Gips, two of the most important players on the market of construction materials, announced the biggest investment in the domain in Romania in the last 5 years, of over 200 millions euro.


A study made by Karcher Romania on its clients showed that, just in the last year, the request for cleaning products for photovoltaic panels increased with 80%.


Aosom, global company specialized in online sales of furniture and articles for interior and exterior design, fitness, articles for pets, for children, hobby and leisure time, presented its portfolio with over 4000 products, that gives to every user products for every taste and necessity.

Aosom will launch the Black Friday campaign (11-14th of November 2022), with discounts at all the available products from

INVL Renewable Energy Fund

INVL Renewable Energy Fund I, a fund that invests in renewable energy projects, administrated by INVL Asset Management, signed an agreement to acquire a photovoltaic park project of 174 MW in Romania.


CITR announced that the reorganizing plan proposed to Constructii Napoca SA company, that is in insolvency proceedings since the end of last year, has been confirmed by the syndic judge at less than 10 months from the beginning of the procedure.

One United Properties

Andrei Diaconescu, cofounder One United Properties, affirms that the sense of ownership is part of our DNA and this mentality will not change in the next years, even if the homes prices can increase accelerated because of the inflation.

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