Romanian DIY market – For all our readers abroad, these are the news from Romanian DIY, Home Improvement, and Garden market in July 2024, provided by, the most important B2B publication in Romania, dedicated to the DIY industry.
EXPO DIY 2024 – Smart Green Home, the only B2B exhibition in Romania dedicated to products in the DIY, building materials, home improvement, garden, and home products categories, with a focus on „green” products, that took place on June, 26-27th, 2024, at the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, presents the conclusions of the third edition, with figures, images and video story.
Save the date on 25th-26th of June 2025, when will take place the fourth edition of EXPO DIY – Smart Green Home.
More details about the 2025 edition at or tel. +40720120456
JYSK, the Scandinavian furniture and home accessories network, opened a new store in Targu Mures, reaching 143 stores in Romania.
Mobexpert, the most loved Romanian brand of furniture and decorations, and Altex, leader of the electro-IT market in Romania, announced that they will launch a new concept in retail: the collaborative shopping experience.
Leroy Merlin
Leroy Merlin Romania, a specialized retailer in construction, decorations and gardening, has in plan to expand the store network with 5 new stores in the next period. Until the final of the year, the company will open a store in Pitesti in autumn, and for 2025-2026 aims for Bucharest, Bistrita, and Braila.
Leroy Merlin Romania, invested last year almost 1.5 million euros in CSR projects, aligned with three strategic pillars of CSR defined by the company: afforestation and greening, education and health.
Signify, the world leader in lighting, announced a partnership with Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS F1 Team.
Saint-Gobain Romania successfully finished the second production line of plasterboard boards in Turda, after completing the production tests that started at the final of the last year.
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