In the last 3 years, gardening as a hobby has outlined new customer segments that seek for ready-to-use, accesible and efficient solutions, giving them the opportunity to concentrate to the emotional part of the activity rather than on the expenses. Gardening as a hobby has caught voice also in online communities, virtual spaces where amateur gardeners everywhere brag about their accomplishments, promote a brand – ask for another alternative or simply express their needs (or lacks) in the matter of mastering their hobby.
The team behind Dr. Soil, a romanian gardening brand, has an entire department that research the online gardening communities and perseverently work to offer the customers what they look for and ask for, while exposing their needs and interests. One of the most relatable buying habit in the gardening field, as great retailers built it in the past years, were to buy what products could be found on the store shelves and doing it again each time the season changed.
Having this repetitive buying habit in mind, Dr. Soil received a strong product strategy where the customer’s voice was the principal decisive criteria. All of the products received a set of USP (unique selling proposition) characteristics: distinctive volume packaging, creative POS and also bold creative messages for both online and offline in order to cover at least a part of the most vocal customer’s needs.
Dr. Soil – the right doses
All of the Dr. Soil products are micropacked in doses for the most common volume pots, for example: most of the Phalaenopsis orchids that enter DIY chains come in a 13 cm diameter container of almost 1L. The content of the container means roots and a specific substrate that supports the plant’s nutrition for a limited part of time.
Once this comes to an end, the same plant in the same 13 cm diameter/1l pot needs an approximate 1L of nourishing substrate in order to ensure a healthy growth. Dr.Soil has created a natural prefertilised substrate mix, packed in an 1L recyclable bag, sufficient for one container/one plant, giving the client the possibility to buy and use the exact amount they need without having to ‘invest’ more money in surplus growing media that they have to store somewhere in their home.
Dr. Soil – natural fertilisers
Fertilization is one delicate matter in gardening. For the amateur gardener is rather difficult to add the correct amount of fertilisers to their plants, especially when all they can find in DIY stores are full bags or full bottles of it, often without dosage cups or many usage instructions. These facts stand as controversies and often promote products of a certain brand or another to be unuseful, a waste of money or meant to create more demand in the market just because brands do not adapt to the so changing needs of their customers regularly.
Dr. Soil products have received exact doses of natural fertilisers, in the mix or separate, as an addition to the chosen growing media. It was given the example of the Dr. Soil 1L substrate for Phalaenopsis Orchids: in only 1L mixture there is an amount of biohumus sufficient for nurturing the plant up to 3 months, besides soothing the effects of the transfer from the old media. The Dr.Soil portfolio has also a natural fertilisers area marketed for indoor plants created and quantified to three of the most common pot volumes: small (for 2L), medium (for 5L) and large (for 10L).
In the geographic part of the production of Dr. Soil products there is an old saying that places the customers in the position of the master, a superior entity that dictates what the subjects should do to cover the needs. Dr. Soil rapidly expands itself in order to answer the requirements and cover the needs of customers from Romania and abroad, putting the highlight on quality and innovation. Dr. Soil aims to inspire plant lovers everywhere to choose the natural way of gardening and contribute significantly to a sustainable environment.
The unique products may be provided, upon customer’s request, under private label and in custom-sized quantitative doses. For more informations, the Dr.Soil team can be reached on
What is Dr. Soil?
Dr. Soil is an innovative brand, the holder of many recipes of a of innovative products, especially created for plants lovers, for making their work easier and ensuring a harmonious long-term development for the plants. In the Dr. Soil Range there were conceived, out of ingredients as close to nature as possible, compounds that significantly contribute to a strong immunity system development on the vegetal structure level, to the revival and regeneration of the plants, also to their fertilization and blooming stimulation.
Furthermore, the Dr. Soil products promotes gardening as a contemporary hobby, carefully listening to the trends and permanently asking the customers about what they need in order to support their passionate hobby.
The Dr. Soil range includes:
• Dr.Soil Natural Substrates, for Phalaenopsis Orchids, Cymbidium and bulbous species and Cacti & Succulents, in 1L bags;
• Dr. Soil Natural Treatment for Indoor Plants for 2, 5 and 10L pots;
• Dekorative Natural Pinebark, in different fractions, packed in different volumes for different utilisations. tel. +40788.244.850 //
This article is part of the CEE DIY retail category from B2B publication and bring together news, in english, from Central and East Europe markets related with DIY and home improvement retail
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