For all our readers abroad, these are the most important news from romanian DIY market, in november 2015, with focus on DIY retail (home improvement, home&deco, home&garden, interior decoration, furniture, constructions, power tools etc), in english.
On november 24, took place the Buyer Point International Event, on Bucharest, first event from Romania dedicated to DIY market, organised by Collins srl and our magazine,
The Buyer Point International event brought together, in a single day, in the same place, the italians DIY producers offer and the acquisition menagers from the major companies in Romania representing retailers (online retailers included), importers, and distributors of the romanian DIY market. Photo gallery from the event.
Frederic Lamy, General Manager Leroy Merlin Romania, revealed plans for 2016 including: opening new stores and create 600 new jobs. By the end of September 2016, LEROY MERLIN will convert all bauMax stores purchased and will continue to build new stores, in parallel. LEROY MERLIN long-term plans in Romania: another 20-25 stores opened in the next 10 years.
Mii de produse cu steag cadou
Leroy Merlin, one of the largest DIY retailer in the world, will open on December 4 in Sibiu, the eighth store in Romania.
Brico Depot’s new strategy in Romania, unveiled by Brico Depot’s new CEO, Christian Mazauric will be based on the development of customer service, with an online entry – most likely with click & collect system – and national network expansion to 50 stores, in the next 3-4 years. Brico Depot had in this moment 15 stores and will not going to open any store in 2016.
INS: The volume of construction works from Romania increased in the first nine months of this year, by 9.9%, gross series compared to the same period in 2014. In the other hand, National Prognosis Commission (CNP) estimates for all this year, in Romania, a 6.2% increase in the volume of construction work compared with 2014
Several retailers joined the biggest shopping event, Black Friday: Praktiker, ELVILA,,, Casa Rusu and ohers prepared for the Christmas shopping, like Hornbach.
In the 2015 catalog (September 1, 2014 – August 31, 2015), the IKEA store in Romania recorded sales of 424.479 million lei (excluding VAT), up 12.37% compared to the previous catalog. It is the highest growth since entering the market in Romania.
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