Romanian DIY market – For all our readers abroad, these are the news from Romanian DIY, Home Improvement and Garden market in October 2023, provided by, the most important B2B publication in Romania, dedicated to DIY industry.
SAVE THE DATE: June, 26 – 27th, 2024:
The third edition of EXPO DIY – Smart Green Home, the largest professional fair in Romania and in the region dedicated to products in the DIY, building materials, home improvement, garden and home products categories, with a focus on solutions and „green” products, will take place between June 26 and 27, 2024, at the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, on a total area of 4,000 square meters and 140 stands. EXPO DIY 2024 – Smart Green Home will also include EXPO PET 2024 – Food & Accessories – the first B2B exhibition with products from pet food and accessories categories in Romania.
Early bird offer – 10% discount on the purchase of stands or partner packages, valid until November 15, 2023
Conclusions of this year’s edition, figures, images and the video story.
Dedeman, national leader in the retail of construction materials and home improvement, with 100% Romanian capital, opened on 5th of October the second store in Craiova.
Green Project
Green Project, the company from Iasi that activates in 2003 in the domain of distribution of gardening and home & deco products and of the production of hobby substrates, fertilizers and natural treatments for interior and exterior plants under the name Dr. Soil – marked the anniversary of 20 years of distribution by opening a permanent showroom with gardening articles, at its deposit from Iasi, Bucium street no. 34.
Leroy Merlin
Leroy Merlin, specialized retail in constructions, decorations and gardening, finished the rearranging process of its first store opened in Romania, Leroy Merlin Colosseum. The project took 1 year and needed an investment of 3.5 millions euro.
Mobexpert, 100% Romanian company that celebrated this year 30 years of experience on the Romanian market, continued the expansion strategy at national level by opening in the next period new Concept Stores.
Signify, world leader in the lightning domain, launched the new products and range Philips Hue Secure with intelligent cameras, sensors and new app functions for home security.
Somfy Romania, leader in supplying automized control systems for shading technic and access to homes and commercial buildings, and also a key player for smart home solutions, announced an acceleration of sales of automatization solutions for shading in the house (curtains and drapes), a growth of 15% than last year, by launching a new range of engines WireFree and by changing Romanian mentality and their lifestyle in the last years.
Xella Romania, leader on the local and regional market of masonry materials, celebrated 100 years of international existence of autoclaved cellular concrete masonry by completely shaping Ytong brand protfolio and launching two new ranges of energetic performant masonry as ytong Clima+ adn Ytong Thermo, continuing the investment plan in constantly development of masonry solutions for energetic performant buildings.
SENARIA, the company that offers construction project management an real estate development services, finished the first 9 months of the year with a tripling of the market share than the same period of 2022 and estimates that will overcome the initial target of 800.000 euros as market share in 2023.
METATOOLS Group, one of the biggest companies of equipment and technologic machinery for constructions, continued the digitizing process with VTEX, after 25 years activity on the local market with equipment and technologic machinery.
LEKTRI.CO – an important player in electric mobility domain in Romania, explored and presented an analysis of financial benefits for installing an EV charger than using public infrastructure of charging of a usual home plug.
Deco Days
Deco Days, the event dedicated to interior design, organized by Mendola Fabrics, the biggest brand of curtains and drapes in Romania, took place between 7th and 10th of September, in Cluj-Napoca.
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