Romanian DIY market – For all our readers abroad, these are the news from Romanian DIY, Home Improvement and Gardening market in November 2022, provided by, the most important B2B publication in Romania, dedicated to DIY industry.
The second edition of EXPO DIY – Smart Green Home, the only B2B exhibition in Romania dedicated to products from DIY, construction materials, home improvement and gardening categories, with a focus on „green” solutions and products, will take place between 28 and 29 June 2023, at the Politehnica University of Bucharest, the largest and most prestigious technical university in the country. The exhibition gathers, in the two days, in the same place, exhibitors from Romania and other countries and purchasing specialists and other industry professionals. The EXPO DIY 2023 – Smart Green Home event is organized by, the B2B publication dedicated to the DIY, Home Improvement & Gardening sectors.
Early bird offer – book a stand here: or purchase a partner package until December 31th, 2022 and benefit from a 10% discount.
More details and personalized offers for partners at or tel. 0720.120.456
Mobexpert, the most loved brand of furniture and decorations in Romania, offered this year substantial discounts with the Black Friday 2022 campaign. At the final of the campaign, Mobexpert registered over 41.000 orders, online and in store, and the total value of then increased with 13% than last year.
Glovo, one of the most important players in the world on the delivery zone, added Mobexpert on the list of partners and brought in the platform over 3000 products of the Romanian retailer of furniture and decorations.
Leroy Merlin
In a period full of shopping offers with reduced prices, Leroy Merlin, a retail specialized in constructions, decorations and gardening, launched the campaign „When you always have small prices, you have 365 days of zen. And you can forget about Black Friday”, with a concept that concentrates on the differentiator of the campaign – small prices every day. The retailer launched the collection of products and decorations for Winter Holidays. Leroy Merlin presented a few methods through which the energy bill’s costs can be reduced, improving at the same time the quality of home and of the life of its people.
Dedeman, national leader of DIY and Home Improvement market, with 100% Romanian capital, opened a new store in Barlad, and is approaching the threshold of 60 stores in Romania.
JYSK, the Scandinavian retailer of furniture and products for home, continued the expansion in Romania and opened a store in Moreni, reaching 127 stores at national level. With an increased of the market share, the retailer registered good results in the financial year 2021-2022. Also, the retailer will finish the year with two store openings in Cluj-Napoca on the 1st of December.
MAM Bricolaj
MAM Bricolaj, Romanian network of stores of materials and accessorizes for furniture, finished the first nine months of the year with a market share of 41.520 millions lei, increased with 8.21% than the same period of last year.
Agroland Agribusiness, Romanian entrepreneurial company, part of the group Agroland, specialized in selling inputs for agriculture, reported operating sales of 51.1 millions lei in the first nine months of 2022, increased with 130% than the same period of last year, EBITDA of 3.2 millions lei, an appreciation of 110% and a net profit of 1.7 millions lei, increased with 41% than the same period last year.
Agroland Business System, Romanian entrepreneurial group of retail, agriculture and food, that owns the biggest agriculture store network in Romania, reported consolidated income of 255.1 millions lei in the first nine months of 2022, increased with 32% than the same period last year, and a net profit of 3.6 millions lei, decreased with 53% than the first nine months of 2021, because of the quick increase of costs and significant investment made by the company in 2022.
ABN Systems International
ABN Systems International, one of the leader on the market of telecom accessorizes in Romania, registered a growth of 76% of sales for the category of products Smart Home, made under the brand Tellur, in the first nine months of 2022.
HEINNER, a brand belonging to the Network One Distribution company, launches ONE POWER by HEINNER Tools, the range of cordless tools, with a universal battery for all equipment.
Lasselsberger Ceramics Romania, the owner of the brand CESAROM and the only local producer of ceramic tiles, made available to its clients a range of complete ceramic solutions for many types of surfaces, for interior and exterior.
Despite of the unpredictable context and of the big increases of prices of raw materials and energy, local market of pavement will have this year an advance of 5% than last year, at almost 173.2 millions euro, according to the estimations of Symmetrica, leader of the local market of vibro-pressed pavers and curbs and the biggest local producer, with 8 units of production distributed at national level.
Monsson, the biggest developer of green energy projects in Romania, signed an agreement with Rezolv Energy to finish the biggest photovoltaic park in Europe until the final of the first trimester of 2023, that will be located in Arad district.
River Development
River Development, de developer of the projects Sema Parc and The Light, through its administrating company of the buildings Sema Parc, announced the project of implementation of photovoltaic power plants, to generate green energy – renewable and clean.
Casa Noastra
Casa Noastra, the producer of QFort doors and windows and one of the biggest producers of solution for heat-insulating carpentry in Central and Eastern Europe, invested over 20 millions euro in a new factory near Craiova.
Almost 8.5 millions searches have been made since the beginning of the year on by candidates who searched for a job.
Cushman and Wakefield Echinox
The acquisition of properties that generate incomes represent an option more appreciated by the Romanian or foreign private investors to invest, investors that until a few years were interested of residential sector, where they aimed the trophy properties.
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