Romanian DIY market – For all our readers abroad, these are the news from Romanian DIY, Home Improvement and Gardening market in February 2023, provided by, the most important B2B publication in Romania, dedicated to DIY industry.
The second edition of EXPO DIY – Smart Green Home, the only B2B exhibition in Romania dedicated to products from DIY, construction materials, home improvement and gardening categories, with a focus on „green” solutions and products, will take place between 28 and 29 June 2023, at the Politehnica University of Bucharest, the largest and most prestigious technical university in the country. The exhibition gathers, in the two days, in the same place, exhibitors from Romania and other countries and purchasing specialists and other industry professionals. The EXPO DIY 2023 – Smart Green Home event is organized by, the B2B publication dedicated to the DIY, Home Improvement & Gardening sectors.
New partners and exhibitors joined the event.
More details and personalized offers for partners at or tel. 0720.120.456
Romanian DIY market in February 2023
Brico Dépôt
The program ”Performance through training for Brico Dépôt employees – Digital Evolution”, co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Operational Program Human Capital 2014-2020, has finished. All the 474 employees of Brico Dépôt, participants in the project, received the certification of digital competences.
The Scandinavian retailer of furniture and home products JYSK continued the expansion in Romania in 2023 and aims to open at least 15 new stores and to modernize at least 13 stores.
MAMBricolaj, Romanian network of stores of materials and accessorizes for furniture, listed on the AeRO market of Bucharest Stock Exchange, launched on 20th of February in premiere in Romania the first edition of a „Wreck” campaign, through which proposes to collect DIY a products and accessorizes of used furniture.
Agroland Business System, Romanian entrepreneurial group of retail, agriculture and food, that owns the biggest network of agriculture stores in Romania, reporting consolidated sales of 302.7 millions lei in 2022, a growth with 30% than in 2021 and a net profit of 3.2 millions lei, a decrease with 63% than in 2021.
Lasselsberger Ceramics Romania, the owner of the brand CESAROM and the only local producer of ceramic tiles, launched Pro Club, the platform dedicated to the professionals from buildings and arrangements domain.
The local market of smart locks will increase with almost 10% in the next 5 years, according to the estimations made by ASSA ABLOY Romania, a subsidiary of the Swedish-Finnish group with the same name, and one of the top players of the market of access solutions.
Resideo Technologies
Resideo Technologies Inc, global supplier of comfort and security solutions for homes, launched the educational campaign ”More safety at home” for awareness of the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning in homes.
VELUX launched Daylight Visualizer, a free professional simulator of analysis of the natural illuminating conditions from buildings, dedicated to architects.
Franke Romania, a company that is part of the Francke Home Solutions division of Franke group, founded in 1911 in Switzerland, celebrated on 9th of February 2023 25 years from starting the operations in Romania.
Genesis Property
Genesis Property took the commitment to reduce at zero the carbon emissions for the buildings from its portfolio until 2030, through investments in energetic efficiency growth and energy production from renewable sources and through sustainable administration of buildings and efficient usage of resources.
Starting wit 22nd of February 2023, Romanians that want to assemble photovoltaic panels and to become future prosumers and also specialized plumbers in assembling and installing photovoltaic panels can access the first digital platform that is dedicated to them, energiaTa, and offers an environment of informational, communication, education and connection, through two interactive tools: The map of prosumers and The forum of prosumers.
Rombat, the only 360° integrated producer of auto batteries in Romania, announced that allocates this year a budget of investments of 10 millions euro, mainly to install a semi-automatic line for producing Heavy duty FFB batteries and to make two photovoltaic parks to optimize operations costs and to assure a bigger grade of energetic independence, reducing the carbon footprint of the company.
Romania Property Club
A total value of real estate investments planed in 2023 by active investors in the biggest regional centers of Romania is situated between 700 millions and 1.2 billions euro, according to a study made by Romania Property Club between members and partners in January 2023.
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