Romanian DIY market – For all our readers abroad, these are the news from Romanian DIY, Home Improvement and Garden market in August 2023, provided by, the most important B2B publication in Romania, dedicated to DIY industry.
EXPO DIY 2023 – Smart Green Home, the only B2B exhibition in Romania dedicated to products in the DIY, construction materials, interior design, installations and garden categories, with a focus on „green” solutions and products, which took place between June 28 and 29, 2023 , at the Politehnica University of Bucharest, presents the conclusions of this year’s edition, figures, images and the video story.
Save the date June 26 – 27, 2024, when the 3rd edition of EXPO DIY – Smart Green Home will take place, at the Politehnica University of Bucharest, an event organized by, the B2B publication dedicated to the DIY, Home Improvement & Garden sectors.
Homelux, one of the most important suppliers of furniture, decorations and lighting objects in Romania, opened a new store in River Plaza mall, from Ramnicu Valcea. The retailer started the Back to School campaign, with discounts until 70% at a varied range of products.
Mobexpert opened a new Concept Store in Piatra Neamt with furniture and decorations for home, reaching 25 stores and partners at national level.
Competition Council authorized the transaction through which APC Universal Partner S.R.L., the company that owns the retail brand Ambient, takes over the sales activity with materials for constructions, arrangement and finidhes of the company Profelis C&V S.R.L.
JYSK, the Scandinavian retailer of furniture and products for home, opened a new store in Calafat and one store in Cosmopolis Residence – Bucharest, reaching 136 stores in the country.
Competition Council announced that it authorized the transaction through wich Romcim S.A. took over the company Bauelemente Reinvest S.R.L. and its branch Bauelemente S.R.L.
The net income of Ariston Group increased at 1.525,5 millions euro, an increase with 34.5% than th 1.134,5 millions euro registered in the first half of 2022., online business with sanitary objects and products for home imporvement, finished the first half of the year with sales of 2.9 millions euro, increased with almost 5% than the first semester of 2022.
Simtel Team
Simtel Team, Romanian company of engineering and technology and national leader in the domain of renewable energy, constructed until present a third of the capacities of photovoltaic power plants of prosumers companies in Romania.
Stejarii Collection
Stejarii Collection is the first residential building in Bucharest that is double certified Green Homes and Breeam with EXCELENT level of performance.
Romania produces annually in average over 3 millions tons of waste from constructions, representing almost 40% of the total waste generated in our country, according to an analysis made by MASTREBUILD Property Developer & General Contractor.
Deco Days
Deco Days, the event dedicated to interior design, organized by Mendola Fabrics, the biggest brand of curtains and drapes in Romania, will take place between 7th and 10th of September 2023, in Cluj Napoca.
The constructions industry, traditionally known for the manual work, is walking through a deep transformation in the last years, according to PlanRadar.
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