Romanian DIY market – The most important news from April 2023

Romanian DIY market – For all our readers abroad, these are the news from Romanian DIY, Home Improvement and Gardening market in April 2023, provided by, the most important B2B publication in Romania, dedicated to DIY industry.

The second edition of EXPO DIY – Smart Green Home, the only B2B exhibition in Romania dedicated to products from DIY, construction materials, home improvement and gardening sectors, with a focus on „green” solutions and products, will take place between 28 and 29 June 2023, at the Politehnica University of Bucharest, the largest and most prestigious technical university in the country. The exhibition gathers, in the two days, in the same place, exhibitors from Romania and other countries, buyers and other industry professionals like construction managers, architects and designers. The EXPO DIY 2023 – Smart Green Home event is organized by, the B2B publication dedicated to the DIY, Home Improvement & Gardening sectors.

New partners and exhibitors joined the event.

Book a stand!

More details and personalized offers for partners at or tel. 0720.120.456

Buyers from DIY retail, eCommerce, import and distribution companies and managers from constructions companies, architects and designers are invited to discover new products and innovations at EXPO DIY – Smart Green Home. Register for free as a visitor!


JYSK – the Scandinavian retailer of furniture and home products present in Romania – opened two new stores on 6th of April 2023 in Dej and Radauti, reaching a national network of 133 units.

diy marketDedeman

Dedeman, national leader in construction materials and home improvement retail, with 100% Romanian capital, will open soon a new store in Petrosani, Hunedoara district and another new store in October in Promenada Craiova comercial centre. With this 2 new openings the Romanian DIY retailer will reach a network of 61 stores in Romania.


On Earth Day, IKEA Romania installed in the garden of Parklake Shopping Center a furnished outdoor space, to increase the awareness about the importance of sustainable and circular solutions when furnishing the home.


MAMBricolaj, Romanian stores network of materials and accessorizes for furniture, finished the financial year 2022 with a market share of 57.3 millions lei, increased with 7.9% than in 2021, confirming the development strategy of the company.

Brico Dépôt

Over 40% of the annual sales of grills and accessorizes take place in April and May and the sales peak is on 30th of April, closely followed by the period before the Easter Holidays, according to Brico Depot Romania.


Lasserlsberger Ceramics Romania, the owner of CESAROM brand and leader on the Romanian market of tiles, launched three new categories of products with over 130 models of tiles.


VELUX, a company with an experience of over 80 years in producing quality and eco-friendly products, recently launched new models of windows for attic and accessories.


Altex Romania took over the debt with all its related guarantees, from Banca Transilvania, that the financial bank institution has over Vivre Deco company, a Romanian company of furniture and interior decorations that is now in insolvency procedure.

The Home

Logicor, one of the main owners and operators of modern properties of logistics and distribution in Europe, extended its portfolio of clients from Logistic Park Logicor Bucharest II accommodating The Home, online retailer of furniture and lighting.


The owners of buildings in Romania are more careful at ESG standards and have bigger expectations when it comes to sustainability, than their counterparts from other countries, according to CBRE.


SENARIA, one of the most dynamic local companies of project management in constructions, finished the first trimester of 2023 with an increase of 25% than the similar period in 2022.

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