Romanian DIY market – The most important news from September 2023

Romanian DIY market – For all our readers abroad, these are the news from Romanian DIY, Home Improvement and Garden market in September 2023, provided by, the most important B2B publication in Romania, dedicated to DIY industry.

SAVE THE DATE: June, 26 – 27th, 2024:

The third edition of EXPO DIY – Smart Green Home, the largest professional fair in Romania and in the region dedicated to products in the DIY, building materials, home improvement, garden and home products categories, with a focus on solutions and „green” products, will take place between June 26 and 27, 2024, at the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, on a total area of 4,000 square meters and 140 stands. EXPO DIY 2024 – Smart Green Home will also include EXPO PET 2024 – Food & Accessories – the first B2B exhibition with products from pet food and accessories categories in Romania.

Early bird offer – 10% discount on the purchase of stands or partner packages, valid until November 15, 2023

Book a stand

Conclusions of this year’s edition, figures, images and the video story.

EXPO RETAIL – Digital, Green Tech, the only B2B exhibition from Romania dedicated to technology, equipment and services for retail, eCommerce and the FMCG industry, that will take place between 25-26th of October 2023, in Bucharest, invites all the buyers of equipment, technology and services in retail, eCommerce, FMCG industry, HoReCa, Food Service to discover the latest news and innovations in the domain.


Agroland Business System, Romanian entrepreneurial group of retail, agriculture and food, that owns the biggest agriculture store network in Romania, reported for the first semester of 2023, at consolidated level, operating revenue in value of  189.4 millions lei, an increase of 3# than the same period of last year.

Trust Expert

Trust Expert, 100% Romanian company, one of the leaders on the market of air conditioning solutions and systems, celebrated 30 years of activity and announced a portfolio with integrated services.

Simtel Team

Simtel Team, Romanian company of engineering and technology that is listed on AeRO market and national leader in renewable energy, reported a market share of 122.5 millions lei in the first semester of 2023, an increase of 226% than the same period of last year and a net profit of 6.5 millions lei, with 119% more than the first semester of 2022.


A survey made for the second year consecutively by Ariston Romania, about population’s perception about heat pumps, indicates an increase of the popularity of this solution for homes.


In the world of complete solutions for roofs, Metigla proposed to be a name for excellence and innovation. This year, when Metigla celebrated 23 years of existence in Romania, the company continued to offer complete solutions for roofs that resist in time.


Vectra offers solutions for the optimization of logistics operations and for energetic efficiency of deposits.

Reveal Marketing Research

Reveal Marketing Research developed a representative study to measure Romanian perceptions and behavior about the importance of energetic efficiency of their homes, following also their evolution than the same study from 2022.

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